Free Color Matching Service

Achieve the perfect blend with our FREE shade personalised match.

Our team of hair experts is here to assist you in selecting the perfect shade for your hair. We understand how important it is for your extensions to blend seamlessly with your natural hair, and we're dedicated to making that happen.


Once you are confident that the pictures accurately represent your hair color, all you need to do is send us photos of your hair. We will utilize our extensive experience and knowledge to ensure that we find the best possible match for you.


Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Capture Your Hair from the Back: Take a photo that captures your hair from the back, showing all of its length.
  2. Show the Ends: Make sure your hair is down and that the ends are visible in the photo.
  3. Head-Shoulder Photo: Opt for a head-shoulder photo rather than a close-up shot.
  4. Natural Sunlight: For an accurate match, please take the photo outside in natural sunlight. However, avoid direct sunlight to prevent any distortions.
  5. No Filters or Editing: It is important to refrain from using filters or editing your pictures.


By following these steps, we can guarantee that our experts will be able to assist you in selecting a shade that perfectly matches your hair.


Send images to:


We believe in more than beauty, we’re here to make you look and feel more confident… more you!


Do I need to send photos of my hair to get a shade match?

It's not essential, but highly recommended! Our team of hair experts can provide a more accurate shade match if they can see the color variations and texture of your natural hair.

What kind of photos should I send?

Here are some tips for sending photos that will help us find the perfect match:

  • Capture your hair from the back: This gives us a full view of the hair's color and highlights.
  • Show the ends: Sometimes hair color can be slightly different at the ends.
  • Head-shoulder photo: Avoid close-up shots, as they may not show the overall color variation.
  • Natural sunlight: Take the photo outdoors in natural, diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent glare.
  • No filters or edits: Unedited photos show the most accurate representation of your hair color.

Where should I send my photos?

Send your photos to our support team at We'll be happy to help you find the perfect shade match!

What if I'm still unsure about the shade?

We understand choosing the right shade can be tricky. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our hair experts are available to chat and offer personalized recommendations.